Cattle Dog Digital

Accelerating Revenue Growth with Data Unification


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Hello and good morning everyone to you, wherever you are, that you might be viewing this now or recording later. Wherever you are in the world I’m your host Matt Campion director of operations at Cattle Dog Digital. The only full funnel consulting implementation team that stands up your tech stack across sales marketing and finance Thank you so much for joining us today everyone. I’m so excited to dive into today’s topic. It’s a good one, accelerating revenue growth with data unification, we are going to make data sexy, that’s right. So I will share how you can use different methods and tools to get your data in check, so you can get your RevOps engine up and running at Max capacity. Just a few housekeeping items before we get started. This webinar will run for about 30 minutes. There’ll be time at the end for any Q&A. If you’ve got any questions as we go through, please just typing them in the Q&A box at the bottom of your screen and we’ll answer them at the end. Look out for an email from us after the webinar will be sending out a recording and a couple of things to help you explore the topic further. With that let’s get started. So today I’m super thrilled to introduce a guest, an old friend Scott Edmonds, chief revenue officer at Syncari. Scott has a long and successful background at Marketo being awarded as a top producer nationally and internationally, the seven years. In addition to this, Scott’s current role as CRO at Syncari, he is also a mentor and LP at Excelerprise in early stage venture capital funds based in San Fran. If you are a Salesforce fanatic like many of us, you may recognise him as well from a dream for speaking engagement in San Francisco and Scott is joining us today from San Fran. Hey Scott, how are you going?



Good good good to see you man it’s been a while.



Thank you so much for joining us today we’re very excited to hear your thoughts and insights on today’s topic. And you know we’ve both been in this space for some time and it’s really, really interesting. I think a lot of people are going to get some great things out of your thoughts on today’s topics. Awesome so everyone where this is going to be a bit of an open conversation but we’ve really just got some topics here to guide us through understanding more about how data can help accelerate revenue growth in your business we’re first going to set the scene and look at where we are and we’ve come from as well. Scott will probably share some anecdotes and stories from his many experiences with working with a bunch of different different types of companies in the world of SAS and data. We’re then going to unpack it a little bit further and start to sort of deconstruct and understand, you know what many are calling, is a data driven organisation as well, so let’s understand a bit more about that. And that will then lead us into the sort of the end state and takeaway that we’d like hopefully that you can take away from today’s webinar, is really what a lot of companies are realising the benefits from which is sort of actionable data. I wouldn’t say it’s a Nirvana state there’s no and it’s always a journey data, there is no, there is no perfect destination, in the end, so it’s continual improvement, but this is a good place to be and then we’ll finish with some Q&A.


Okay let’s let’s get going, but I don’t know about you, but i’ve had my large coffee this morning two shots two sugars so i’m ready to go to talk all things data but i’d love to kick it over to you, to start with it’s not death by PowerPoint anyone, this is really an open conversation. And I think we’re really lucky to have Scott here to weave through some of the anecdotes and experiences from the early days starting with you know we’re sort of both being in space for a little bit and now, so if we started the 2010s and then, if we fast forward. I don’t know about you, but I sort of photo of myself 10 years ago and I definitely look different now than I did then. And so, this data, so it is the way businesses use data as well, so Scott, do you want to just maybe set the scene, a little bit here with you know it’s 2010. You know, companies are you know you know I can’t remember what boy band was in Vogue, back then, but it’s 2010 and companies get a lot of data, what were some of the things that you were sort of saying back then.



Well yeah I mean to date myself a little bit here, you know I mean the founding team at Syncari and I all work together back at Marketo, Oh, you know, and so you know we all joined in 2007/8.9 and we’re trying to convince the world the marketing automation was an interesting thing and we were like I don’t know and it took you know, probably i’d say till the mid teens you know early teens are we were like oh yeah we got to have that to do our jobs right and it’s interesting too, because I think about what data was interesting back then, you know the early you know phases there wasn’t a lot of the analytics panel in Marketo and you know people cared more about the operations more about getting things done, but then, when they saw the kind of data that they could be collecting.


You know when they when they when I can show somebody like hey, you join one of our webinars let me show you everything I know about you and I can show them all their web tracking history that Marketo was tracking and what papers they’d read what emails they opened they’re like oh my gosh, I didn’t I didn’t notice as possible right, and I think we sort of all know it’s possible because we read articles about how Facebook, and this is all kind of pre Facebook really, ish but, like you know, we had we had ideas about how Facebook and Amazon and Google and these companies would track us. Yeah but I didn’t really think that you knew it was knowledge that a B2B company could do this, and so, when you and I were working in marketing automation and you working in CRM, and all this other stuff. Just the concept, you could be gathering this data was kind of interesting news for a lot of B2B organisations.



And I think you know, in the CRM space and sort of in the consulting game, we do exactly what you’re talking about. It’s like wow I can do this in one place, on the one platform. Um it was this real sort of you know, I remember with a bunch of different customers as like so I don’t have to just use my inbox and go to send to see the last time I can’t like I contacted someone I can actually have it sort of connected to. I remember a bunch of different customers so they’re having a light bulb moment on my back then to sort of what you’re talking about.



Well, the complexity and this is this complexity for a lot of companies is that these all products got really, really good at that Marketo got really good at getting data from social media agents from, you know from events, all this other stuff that they could then suck that in right this into your profile and therefore you have all this interesting stuff right and then other products such as like kendo, Product analytics you have this huge profile on your account or your profile on what you’ve actually done inside a product right. You’ve got a huge amount of data that’s been sucked in from every time you’ve ever logged a support ticket or made a phone call or whatever it might be. To the organisations, these are all in separate Apps and they’re all extremely good at what they do, but you know the logging of those activities in the making of that accessible, you know it says is relatively new in the last 10 years for the average company.



yeah and it was that it was a realisation or like you’re saying that, so the tech was catching up, but I think the stitching together all of it, of the data into you know that customer 360 view that’s sort of one view now it the one view could be in one system or it could be a coherent view which is pulled together, but really seamlessly in the early days, you know integration was like flying to the moon.

I was like oh wow you’re you’re pulling together finance data and marketing data and like just where’s the rabbit in the hat like how’d you do that, you know.



Yeah well you saw I mean I you know I remember the first time I saw Zapier that kind of blew my mind it’s like oh my gosh this is so cool right, you can just you know take the sweet piece of software and connect this to that, and you know pass that value it was extremely cool I mean we would also I mean Marketo was a sneaky integration software right without even really knowing it was a marketing automation system where there was a database, obviously, but like one of the killer killer features was the simple fact that you could easily sync an entire database in mirror it in Salesforce so sales would make a copy of Salesforce data model within marketo. However, you have your Salesforce setup so marketo will see that you make changes to it and marketo will know about that. That was a big deal. As such, you know I think everybody talks about marketing automation, but I think a lot of people bought specifically Marketo, because of the power of how much data that you get from sales. And then feed that back into sales, without having to do a lot of translation and transposition and work with IT.


Yeah and and that sort of brings us to where we are now right, so there’s been this is it’s been the evolution, let’s call it and it’s sort of you know I wouldn’t say it’s been a jump, but it was sort of this data collection, you know, we’ve let’s first of all to get this data collected, then there was like a centralisation. You know, then you had you know big data, and you know all these type of stuff happening and now we’re in the 2020s it’s sort of where the, you know as Thomas Tung for those that may not know him on the call he’s a thought leader in the SAS space, a leader in the trends of SAS and a lot of tech. And he is you know there’s just a pretty easy to understand 2020 is the decade of data, and we see so many examples of that. So now what Scott? Now we’re in 2020 so we’ve got this data. It’s centralised you know what now for this sort of 2020 going forward.



I think now is the time where you can do something. I mean the end, by the way, everybody should read him, I mean he’s a he’s a he’s a via venture capitalists in addition to being a thought leader he’s invested in some hugely influential companies. Look at a lot of times, you know as an operator Google. So he’s seen this ringside seat for a bunch of things.

The thing that’s interesting now is it like like you say, if you think back 10 years ago, you know we we still all had desk phones now it’s all you know, now it’s either just our cell phones or but usually have some sort of a cloud based software for our phones right, you know Uber knows you know, my entire history of the last right i’ve taken the first right i’ve taken you know where it’s my usual routes right they know that stuff. And you know so, in B2B now we’re just getting to that phase where you know you can buy products they’ll help you get that kind of history, so if you’ve been running in Marketo oh and Salesforce for eight years and Netsuite and all these other products, get a huge amount of trove of data, the question is really what do you do with it. If someone says, if you stacked up all this useful lumber and your garage is full and how am I going to actually make something out of this right, and when I say make something I think you know, people have more data assets and they ever had. Their data your data rich their insights poor, is what I think you know the phrase has been said so, what should I do with it, you know well, I mean I kind of want to understand my customers better and why don’t want to do that, well, I want to know you know who’s gonna stick around as a customer who can I, who do I need to spend more time with as a customer who could maybe up sell, renew early, who needs help all the you know, the tea leaves are in all this big piles of data, but it’s understanding it in a way that doesn’t take you know, a staff of a dozen you know and a half a million dollars, with the software, etc, to do it.



Yeah and and I like a lot, a lot of what you’re saying in terms of you know you’ve got the timber in the garage and you want to make something meaningful of it. It’s almost like we’ve seen much like Salesforce sort of democratised a lot of sort of enterprise level CRM I think we’re seeing a lot of space and Syncari is one of them, sort of democratising you know, really, really smart use of data on and it helps us overcome a bunch of challenges right. Do you mind just maybe just elaborating on this one here Scott for a second around you know a lot of the challenges that you hear from customers and those other things and that will then you know sort of on the flip side of the challenge is always an opportunity right. So yeah i’m finding that over companies will then sort of move into talking about data driven organisations.



Yeah I mean, I think this is also a time and place problem for. Yeah which is you, on average, we probably run about 120 the average midsize company probably runs about 120 different applications to run their business which I think most people on this podcast would be nodding their heads and being a yeah that’s true but think about what what goes into that which is I’ve now got 20 different data sets that i’ve tried to i’ve got to try to make sense of. You know and that’s that’s a little dramatic you know it’s probably like a dozen but even that’s extraordinarily hard and as such.

You know people don’t have a lot of confidence in their data, you know, not necessarily because the data is inaccurate it’s just that, if i’m trying to get a complete picture i’ve got to make it make sense across those you know 10, 15 different systems. The other simple fact is that, like you know if I just let my Salesforce CRM just sit as is you know, keep it as usual, it about half of it to 70% of it is usually outdated over a year, people switch jobs, titles, you name it right, so if i’m if i’m looking at my customers and the people who are involved with those different accounts lot of that stuff needs to be updated pretty constantly. It might be updated in some other systems, but not sharing it with your CRM or who knows what. The other problem, I mean there’s two other things too. Maybe I’ll just round this one out too is access and resources. With access, every system thinks of the customer, or the account or just data slightly differently right they call it something differently.

You know I mean, Hubspot might call an account account so a company, you know Salesforce might call that an account Netsuite might call that a blah right. That creates problems right that are not you know they sound trivial it’s kind of a significant operational problem. And also they don’t have the full visibility, even though I think you know that there’s a native sync between my Hubspot CRM and my Stripe billing automation system right there’s only a few different fields and objects really those two things have visibility into and therefore it’s not a complete picture. And then lastly, the constraint data resources, you talk about like the admin that you need to run 120 different.

Yeah and let’s just assume that you’re in marketing and you only have 40 of those or something like that. It’s still a lot and so there’s a tremendous amount of time that you know everybody’s overworked everybody’s. Yet you know that the objectives are changing monthly it feels like you know, for what the priority stack is and so forth, and so, people are incredibly underwater to think strategically and get ahead of this stuff.



yeah and I think I mean all super valid points Scott, and I mean I could be wrong here, but I think somehow you know the pandemic in a sense has accelerated you know remote workforce for sure, and now online working remotely systems, you know tech is really coming to the fore. And what we have is data, so I really liked what you said before, you know the “data RICH, but insights poor”. I think that’s a really good one and that sort of brings us into this next phase of the evolution right so for companies, you know, not all… yes, it takes time to for organisation to get their head up out of the weeds of the operational requirements of the business and to sort of lift and sort of a head above the clouds and look ahead and try and think strategically about connecting the data and using it in a really smart way some companies are actually doing that right, and this is, this is a this movement towards that you know becoming a data driven organisation. Do you mind just sort of talking about you know sort of what good looks like for these data driven organisations?



Yeah and it will it’s it’s not an easy thing to do, I mean I don’t think any company would not say that their data driven everybody wants to be in and aspires to be in you know applies discipline to being data driven. I think the execution that’s just much harder because of all the problems on that that you set up there on the previous slide so, you know I might say that hey if the customer is in a dangerous spot if they haven’t done these things, but how do I get those things, how do I see these things, and once I know that I can do something with it, we can take a you know data based strategy to approach these 20% of my accounts with automated marketing campaigns, manual touches from from from sales and success people and so forth. It’s just getting access to it and making it all makes sense that kind of comes back into the being insights poor, and so what we have here right, you know, I have a personal belief that a customer a real customer 360 incorporates sales data, marketing data, support data, product usage data, what are they doing with your product and finance data. At that point you can see that I am spending my money on what’s converted into customers. Yeah, are those customers actually using it and therefore they’re going to stick around if they pay their bills, you know what’s the lifetime value of those, how much would it cost me to acquire those that revenue. And then you know what I am, you know what’s the health of them via the support channels right how active how healthy, how you know likely, are they going to continue to be customers. If you’ve got that you can do a tremendous amount of things and be data driven because there is this in arguable truth right.

What Syncari unlocks and i’ll try not to pitch product here too much, but I mean like, you know you see this time and time again, I know you guys are Cattle Dog all day see this where you know marketing believes something to be true sales believe to be true, and finance, please another thing to be true, and a lot of that comes down to the tools that they use and how they’re using them. If you can take that out of the equation, and just work off of a centralised truth, whether you like it or not, you can act much more data driven.



Yeah I mean you know you know Syncari makes something complex very simple. And that you know that’s really powerful and like you said, when the different stakeholders in the business are running off different scoreboards let’s say or different data sets, it doesn’t always align so when you do have that centralisation and alignment of in the unification of that data, you know all of a sudden, that you know people start talking from the same storyboard and it sort of drives towards insights we have got a couple of questions so far I might just hold them for the moment there’s some really good ones there. We’ll just come back to them second. I think we’re tracking pretty well over and I’m just giving us a really quick time check. In terms of the story, let’s just recap real quick. So 2010 Scott data everywhere data chaos, okay, 2020s talk to me, just give me a one liner on 2020 Scott.



I 2020 is going to be, you know to your point, taking the tender and building something out of it, and you know I mean having a repeatable structure that you can use to really understand it’s not even about a customer journey it’s just about like an actual truthful view into what data,do we have on these customers, which is a lot right. So yeah you know less assumptions more data there’s always going to be some assumptions that need to be made even when we are analysing the data. I think the next 10 years are going to be… you mean companies like Snowflake have done extraordinarily well working with huge data sets to help companies fix this stuff.



So that’s where we are now so we’re in the 2020s. My clock was ticking over to 2022 in about 30 days or so. So we’ve got data and now we’re starting to make sense of it and get to these insights and a lot of organic it looks are a lot of organisations are really embracing that and becoming data driven now the sort of one of the final step is is actionable data so they’re using that insights insights and from there, moving from insights to action. Do you mind just soaking in that this one here, if those on the call don’t be alarmed this is as easy as it gets this slide we’re not going to do any crazy animations or anything like this, but this is a great menu item, if you will, of business benefits across a couple of different layers that you can get from actionable data. Do you want just maybe just picking up a couple Scott?



Yeah I mean these silos are never going to go away, I think that’s an important thing there’s a lot I think there’s some talk that like oh silos are dead but silos kill the silos. Silos exist for a decent reason right, I mean you know what i’m doing in marketing is fundamentally different from what i’m doing and sales, even though it’s just the same objectives. But you know there’s no reason that we all need to work out of Salesforce, for example, to get that done right give me my tools, let me do them, but make sure that you can share data and insights in you know, without a tremendous amount of work and complexity. So you know, sales is going to want to understand their customers, you know they’re going to understand them from you know the customer 360 so they can understand their upsell strategy, you know who’s going to be a tricky renewal, who’s going to be any you know, a comfortable renewal. If I have a product lead growth, you know what are the best accounts that I should focus on this month or this quarter. Is my data clean right? Can I really trust this? I’ve got 50 accounts in my name but shoot- are they really the right accounts should these actually be working in a different department. You think about things that happened across you know marketing is really becoming the big data custodians i’d say, more so than sales only because I think they’re working with fundamentally bigger data sets. So you know merging Dee doop now I remember thinking in 2009 that. There were a couple Dee doop Apps and they were good enough, and they were fine and then you realize it now we’re back to that point of running 120 Apps well we’re 40 and marketing D duping cross that is really freaking hard. Right you fix it here and it immediately fixes itself because you’re integrated. You have this other native integration you fought, thought about or forgot about. I think there’s some very interesting intent data solutions to you know they’re coming out six senses and show rate products… Bomba is a cool product right to say it like hey I think that this product, this company is probably looking for a product that you sell or use specifically. 



Yeah that’s a real extension right, I think you’re spot on. I think that’s a real interest that’s beyond what you see right.



yeah but then, what do you do with it, so if I knew that combine was looking for something and I had a good idea for who I could actually talk to their what should I do right, and I think that’s where this centralized unified data driven approach can be helpful because marketing can do their part, sales can do their part, sales development can do their part. You know and it’s not Oh, I thought you were doing that or I didn’t have that piece of data, you can share this stuff with an activator in a way that’s incredibly powerful.



Yeah and the thing that I get really excited about is that, so the data to insights to action and then action to automation. So it’s that synergy between you know systems, you know, such as Syncari and Salesforce and and others that, then you go look exactly like you said, what do you do with it. You’ve got the side there, you know the different actions so a system can suggest to humans or automate to humans, based on that data and you know that’s a really interesting one okay let’s move us along. This is a good one, are really like this one, I remember when you share this with me, when we were preparing for today’s webinar I was like Scott, we got to share that slide. Talk us through it.



Well it’s just it’s a simple concept which, which sounds obvious right but companies that take this stuff seriously outperform those that don’t you know if you’re spending a huge amount of internal resources just trying to make this stuff makes sense and doing it or ignoring it worse, and doing you know flying blind half the time. You know, companies that unified data across everything so everybody knows what they’re doing and there’s less conflict there’s a strike. You know they outperform those by almost like 12% on revenue, this is across I want to say it’s like four or 500 companies that were in the mid market in small enterprise, they were pulled on this. It’s less expensive to serve as a customer. Right yeah you can understand which companies have which products that they might need and how you can approach an upsell campaign there. You can be much, much, much more effective with your marketing if you understand a unified, you know understand everybody on a unified set.



Absolutely, and I love this graph because, in many ways, you’ve got employee engagement measure at the start, so it’s not a complete proxy but it’s definitely an indicator of how easy it is to do your job right so that really speaks to that internal operational efficiency in a sense. You know company revenue obviously top line you know is sort of the amalgamation of all sort of value chain activities for an organisation so that’s really a good, very important, if not one of the most important health checks of a company. And then improvement in annual customer service costs, how often does this get overlooked, Scott? Doesn’t get overlooked all the time? I find this one, a really interesting one, because you’ve got to stitch data together to understand it right.



So you and you run redundant, you know people are giving platinum support to people who haven’t paid for it right that gets expensive real fast, you know as an example.



Yeah fantastic and hopefully others on the call will find that interesting as well, so everyone, as you could see Scott, and I could probably talk for another good half an hour an hour of this with a couple of coffees, but we are running towards the end of it and just want to reflect on what we’ve talked about so far today. As we’ve mentioned, you know, we are in this decade of data, the 2020s yes he’s helping organisations get through the challenges and for those sort of the mid market, it’s really democratising your ability to unify your data and accelerate your growth so there’s unprecedented opportunities as well, when you think strategically about your data. A lot of successful organisations, you know this second point here Scott on you know they don’t have you don’t have to boil the ocean right. You just have to get started, you have to have a plan you got to have a you know you got to know your data, but you just got to get started. Do you want to just talk to that for a second about you know some companies, just think it’s two guys in the too hard basket right.



Well yeah if you’re thinking about all the things that you showed on that multi bubble slide right, I mean But just think about something simple. I’d like to you know if i’m running a software company, you know, most people have don’t have a clue what people are doing inside the product i’m a salesperson or a marketer I don’t know right and so, let me get that out of snowflake or redshift or my back end and put that into Salesforce you know I think that’s that’s that’s not an insignificant problem to solve and the the impact is pretty massive so it’s like. But you know it’s something that you can get your head around, and you know you don’t have to go convince 14 people in the company that this is a good idea.



It’s what it is, there’s a little bit of irony and this one, but the data doesn’t lie. The data doesn’t lie, and then the value of data unification. Also, it is pretty hard to argue it. And then, lastly, you know we’ve sort of illustrated a couple of benefits of actionable data as well. Scott, Thank you so much for your time today. I have really enjoyed it and hope others as well enjoy the webinar this morning. Do you mind it’s only a short line, but do you mind just giving a quick little summary of Syncari, a fantastic organisation, the cattle dogs are super excited to be partnering with you.

And yeah just a really quick one.



I mean there’s there’s there’s four key thing is increase a software company, as I mentioned, we all came out of Marketo oh, and actually that’s i’m selling that to short the founders came out of Marketo oh we’ve got you know some Austin people from Mulesoft working with us, so good good good brains of the company, but what were the product that we’re offering people as a way to make what we just showed their easy. We have a very resilient sync talk about the Marketo or Salesforce sync it doesn’t break it’s aware of all the changes that you make in your data so that you can connect six things and unified all and not worry that it’s gonna if I make a change to my schema or add a new field or you know Hubspot goes down for 20 minutes or whatever.


Everything isn’t breaking blow up, which is kind of how it is today so that’s one part that we do the centralised data management we’ve talked a lot about, but you know have your governance centralised so you’re not doing a little bit of workflow in your marketing system, a little bit and workflow and Salesforce a little bit of workflow and blah and trying to understand where the handoff for the drop off is between systems, we can centralise that. Workflow management, we can automate a ton of different processes off this unified data set so once you’ve got that golden record across all these. You know, a dozen systems are so, then you can run automation, send a slack message, and when the deal closes, create a ticket for provisioning in Jira. You know, add them to the customer list and Marketo. You know, send a welcome basket through Sandozo oh all the kind of products that you use to run your business, you could automate centrally, and then, finally, reporting and analytics right you know, since you already have that record all you have to do is just attach tablo or looker or synchronize Syncari’s native BI and you got your snapshot week over week month over month across all these different departments. So, in a nutshell that’s what we do, I mean we’re you know pretty next gen software, but we think that this is a very big problem and we’re pretty excited about it.



Awesome thanks Scott and hey just before we sign off, I’m going yeah you on the spot for one question that’s coming in from the listeners. Yeah what advice would you give to a startup looking to set up proper data centralisation, what is the foundation needed to adequately adequately collect data?



I guess you know that’s always I always wonder when people say startup- What do you mean like are you three people, 100 people or are you 500 people? Everybody kind of thinks of startups as different language, so I don’t know if they want to write back in while i’m talking about if you’re small- don’t buy a lot of stuff I mean that’s I think everybody rushes to like oh i’m a startup and i’ve raised half a million bucks or 5 million bucks or whatever it is so I’m going to go buy other things because I want to be world class today, you know. The fact of the matter is is like if you’re a startup sort of, your focus should be building the best product that you could buy on the market, which is hard enough and so all the other stuff will come, you know, but I mean I think if I was to have a strategy I would think of keeping it as simple for as long as as possible. Yeah there’s great tools. Hubspot is a killer set of tools that is really, really, really, really impressive, and you can start for a low dollar amount so that’s not going to break you. Stripe has got some amazing tools for finance and there’s you know there’s a raft of interesting things that have been coming out that are very good at what they do. I would be, you know as much as you can keep your data stack light. A startup is probably a better way to make sure that you get that and I think also just think about what you call things. You know what we call a contract, what we call a customer, what we call a lead, you know, does that make sense across my entire company will everybody get that or else I’m getting confused with my finance person.



Look, everyone. Thank you so much, so obviously you know we’re a full funnel implementation company and we absolutely love RevOps across the full stack so if you’ve got any questions or interest, please reach out to Scott and myself. Thank you so much everyone for listening. Scott, Thank you so much for your time and everyone have a wonderful Thursday, take care.